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Conquering through Love.

II Pe 3:9 – A conquest is like a war, it requires skill, attitude, and a well-defined strategy. “Model of the 12”

To be a government we must first be MODELS. God has given us a strategy for conquest. We must remember that we are not a company.

The Kingdom of God is spiritual. Our weapons are not carnal but spiritual and mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. The world is not our model, but the church is the model for the world. Our methods are not the methods used by any company, but they are the unchanging methods of God.

From a humanist point of view, leadership implies a “give and take” exchange. In physical and material compensation. In the kingdom of God, this is not the case. We break away from the spiritual realm. What God is doing is not natural, it is supernatural. It is not the work of man, but the work of the Holy Spirit.

God is a God of well-defined principles so that His purposes are fulfilled! He does not break His principles of purposes.

Why do we try so hard and yet fail to achieve success? Why are the results not as expected? Ecclesiastes 10:10 – If we do not sharpen our edge, we need to redouble our strength. Working without anointing is like working with a dull knife. But if someone spends time sharpening the knife, the work becomes easy. “Sharpening” the edge is giving what is essential in the ministry. Sharpening the edge is seeking the anointing and understanding how He wants to do it. Listening to the voice of the Lord to follow His ways. Doing God’s will without observing how to do it causes defeat and frustration!

Frustration comes mainly from the person who does not sharpen the knife.

Love moved God's heart to send his son to earth. The kingdom of God is moved by love, then by power!!!


God's first sign to his people was love, he has loved us from the beginning. He sent his son out of love! He poured out the Holy Spirit out of love.

Rom 5:5 says that when God poured out his Spirit, he poured out love because the essence of the Spirit is love.

Love is the greatest weapon in the kingdom of Heaven, it casts out fear. Co 13(I Corinthians 16:14)- Let all your things be done with love.

There is no point in having POWER and POWER and not loving anyone! They are “full” of power and weak in love! We will not succeed in anything without love.

(I Corinthians 16:14)- Let all your things be done with love.

God receives nothing if it is not for love!!!!

Cain made an offering, but why was it not received? Because it was made without love. Abel's offering was received because it was made with love.

If we only do well what we want to do, that is not love. That is not pleasing God.

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