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A Call to Hope: How God Transformed My Fear

In 2017, I was in my second year at BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural

Ministry). This is a place where the supernatural is part of everyday life and the

impossible seems possible because it is believed that heaven invades the earth.

It is a place where miracles and healings occur constantly.

While I was in my second year, one day I received a phone call from my mom.

She said, “I want to tell you something, but I don’t want you to worry.” How

could I not worry after hearing that? From that moment on, I was very worried.

She told me that she had gone to a medical appointment for her semiannual

mammogram. It turned out that the doctor found some very unusual cysts, and it

was highly likely that they were cancerous. Upon receiving this news, I tried to

sound “strong,” but inside, my faith began to waver.

How is it possible for my faith to waver when I have witnessed supernatural

healings and creative miracles? In that moment, I forgot all of that, and only the

word “cancer” echoed in my mind, along with the memory of my grandmother,

who had been bedridden due to breast cancer, which was the cause of her death.

My mind clouded; I forgot all the verses about faith and healing. I truly felt so

much fear and the frustration of not being able to be with my mom.

I am the oldest daughter, and I have always been very close to my mom. I

always accompany her to her medical appointments, and I used to be the one

who kept track of everything. Even though my dad and brother were there, I

believed they wouldn’t provide the attention and care that I could offer. I started

crying a lot and was inconsolable. I called one of my spiritual parents, and he

prayed for me, reminding me of God’s promises. To be honest, it was difficult to

accept everything he said. I felt powerless and even thought about returning to

Colombia, but that would mean leaving my studies behind.

In the midst of all the emotional chaos I was experiencing, I decided to go for a

walk and talk to God. I have always found walking to be beneficial for my

spiritual life. As I walked, God reminded me of the story in John 4:46, when

Jesus healed the son of an official. This man went to find Jesus to heal his son,

who was about to die. Jesus simply said that the boy was healed, and the man

believed, and the boy was healed.

Then God asked me the following questions: “Do you believe that I am the

same God here in the United States and in Colombia?” I replied, “Of course I

believe that.” “Do you believe that I still heal?” God asked. I affirmed that I did,

but then He said, “Then why don’t you believe that I can take care of your mom

and that I can heal her?” In that moment, God showed me that I had believed a

lie: “That I was the pillar of the family and without me, nothing works well.”

God revealed His truth to me: “He is the rock of my family, and He takes care

of it.”

I obviously broke free from all thoughts that were not of God and surrendered

everything to Him. I won’t lie; I still felt fear, but I knew that my mom was in

the best hands, that God was taking care of her, and that He is the miracle

worker. We know that for those who love God, all things work together for


Days later, my mom received the results of her exam. She called me

immediately and told me that the cysts were benign—there was no cancer! God

performed a great miracle; He not only delivered my mom from the grips of

cancer but also broke every generational curse, just as He had promised us

many years ago.

In the midst of my walk with God, which has been quite an adventure, I have

learned to trust Him more and more. I have decided to put everything in His

hands, and I know that the plans He has for us are good and perfect.

I want to encourage you that, no matter what situation you are going through

and how uncertain it may seem, the God of the entire universe is in control of

everything. Just trust in Him, rest in His loving arms, and watch how He begins

to transform your fear into hope.



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